Tuning up a raspberry wheat recipe and while I like the raspberry flavor it seems a bit unbalanced towards the tartness mostly contributed by the raspberries. The malt right now is 6lb white wheat, 4lb 2 row, 0.5 lb Munich. I’ve never used carawheat before but was curious if it could add just a touch of sweetness and body to balance out the raspberries. If so any suggestions on amount? .33 lb ? Not sure if upping the mash temp a bit would provide the same effect- currently at 151F x 60min
I am doing a little experimenting using fruit extracts in a wheat right now. I fermented on the high side (~72* for wyeast 3638) which will favor the fruity ester production. after fermentation I added a pound of lactose to the 12 gallon batch . The lactose doesnt have any fermentables and it is my intention to give it a little more sweetness without adding malt flavor. after about a day or two at 35, I’ll add my extract and FC.
i’m not sure I would go in the direction of adding sweetness builders or unfermentables. I agree that raspberry can be quite tart, but it can also deliver a good dose of tannin if unstrained fruit solids are added to the beer. The seeds are the source.
I’m curious if either of you had the opportunity to taste the base beer before adding the fruit or flavoring? Since its unlikely that the base beer was too tart to begin with, I’ll assume that all the tartness came from the fruit.
On the thought of increasing the ‘sweetness’ perception, an easy adjustment could be to reduce the bittering level. Increasing the mash temp would also be an option. If the fruit tartness is the primary cause of the overall beer perception, then another option could be to add an alkaline buffer to the finished beer. Since there are apparently free acids in the beer, this is one situation where chalk could be an effective agent for reducing excessive acidity. Recall that chalk doesn’t work well in the mash since the acids there are too weak. I’d suggest pouring a glass full of beer and adding measured doses of chalk until the level of tartness meets your taste goals. Once you’ve figured out the amount, you can scale it up and add it to the keg.
Thanks for the advice. The base beer, uncarbonated and at 70F, tasted okay- definitely no excessive tart flavors there. The fruit came in the form of a puree in which I believe the seeds have been removed.
In terms of adding chalk- where can this be purchased? I may bump up the mash temp to 153 next batch ad see where things go. Thanks again.