Honey malt

I was thinking of adding some honey malt to a developing raspberry wheat recipe in hopes of a touch of sweetness and honey notes.  Not looking for anything prominent or overpowering.  Has anyone used this malt before and have any recs on amount?  Does a little go a long way?  The recipe is 50:50 wheat and 2 row malt and 0.5lb Munich.  Thoughts?

I’ve used honey malt in both extract and all grain wheat recipes before with good and bad results. In an extract American Honey Wheat, a little is a lot. Only a 1/4lb steeped was too sweet. A full pound in an all grain wheat fermented with Wyeast 3068 was delicious. I also used it in a hoppy extract wheat recipe at a 1/4lb using Danstar Munich dry yeast and I couldn’t tell it was in there.

With what you plan to brew, I would say 1/4 to 1/2lb would be fine. Your recipe is similar to what I brewed with it a while back. I should also say that I love a sweeter and malty wheat beer.

I’ve used honey malt quite frequently in pale ales, ambers, & wheats (partial mashes with +/-8lbs of grain and 2-4 lbs DME) .  The reviews have all been positive.  I’ve used anywhere from 8 oz to 2 pounds.  It WILL add sweetness to your brew, so I tend to add a little more hops to balance it out.  For a raspberry wheat, I’d probably throw in 2 pounds, but I like the malt & balance it with hops.  Try a pound; I think that it will really compliment the style.  You can always add more/less the next time, but with that style I think that a pound is pretty safe.

As with any ingredient until you use it and see how you like it, it’s really just a guess.  However, it won’t turn your brew into turpentine; just add a honey-like sweetness.

Happy brewin’