Carboy Hauler

Anyone ever use this product?  Is it an assest to your brewery?

I just use a milk crate.  Even lazier, I attached the crate to a small furniture dolly with bungie cords so I didn’t have to carry it.

I use these and love them.  I ferment in a temp controlled chest freezer and these are essential for getting the carboys in/out of the freezer.


Makes transporting them safer and easier.

I’ve been thinking of getting one of them too.  Right now I transport cooled wort into the house from the brew shed so sometimes it worries me.  I fell last week on my porch when I went out to get the mail, damn happy I wasn’t moving wort in a carboy!  :o

Don’t hesitate, it is a very good product.

I ended up buying a carboy bag from B3.  It’s much like the BrewHauler but has longer handles and black heavy fabric that covers the carboy.  Being a bit weaker than you guys, I found I needed to move my carboy by placing both handles in the crook of my arm (inner elbow) to safely move the full carboy from place to place.  I would find it very hard to have one hand on either side of the carboy as in a milk crate or short-handled hauler and try to walk with a full carboy (too dangerous for me!).  I contacted the BrewHauler folks about a year ago, however, and they said they could make the handles to any length I specified.  When I need to get a new hauler, I plan on going that route as it’s a bit cheaper than the carboy bag.  I do like the black fabric cover on the bag, though.

Got 4 . . love 'em all.

Thanks.  I like my better bottles but still like the glass carboys better for the most part.

I don’t have a problem lifting or carrying them at all but I always cringe when I’m carrying one up/down stairs.

Great product! Love 'em.
I bought one, measured it, and made a few copies of my own. But with a longer draw strap, as the ones that come with tho original are barely long enough to do a 6.5 gallon carboy. Very simple job.
Webbing and buckles are available here:

I had trouble with the milk crate. I found I had a hard time holding it by the crate handles. I had one of those large plastic buckets that would hold a 1/2 barrel and ice and use that. The handles are easy to grip and I have no problem getting down the stairs to my fermentation fridge.
Those carboy haulers look pretty good and I’d buy one if I could try it out first to see how I like it.

Like everyone else… Got one & love it. Won’t move a carboy without it.

Yep, love mine also.  Will probably get another one just because I couldn’t live without it if something happened to my first one.  ;D

+12 on the milk crate.  Just about each of my carboys lives in one - makes it pretty easy to get wort into the basement.
I do have a carboy hauler, however, and do indeed like it.  The only problem is that I have it on a carboy of mead and have only had to pick it up once or twice.  Smart, huh?

I got mine and it’s great except that you really need more than one.  Kind of a pain to get on a full carboy but it’s doable.

My #2 must have brewing devices.  This device saved my back and kept me doing 5gal. batches.  Else would have been making  3gal. batches or splitting the 5gal between smaller carboys.