Castle vs. Dingemans Pilsner malt color

This past summer my homebrew shop switched to Castle pilsner from Dingemans. My brewer partner and I bought a 50 lb. bag of the Castle malt and made a saison. The color turned out orange (~7 or 8 lovibond). We were shooting for a 4 lovibond which makes that nice yellow straw color that we got so many times before. We brought the bag back w/ the wort sample and showed them that this must be a reject, perhaps it was Munich malt or something. We stayed away from it until recently we made a Belgian Single that has that nice yellow, straw color w/ a 4 lovibond. We used Castle and it was again orange (7-8 lovibond)! Both these beers we’ve made before and the color difference is extremely noticeable.

Has anyone had any experiences with these two pilsner malts and their color differences? The lovibonds say they are the same (both around 2) for Castle and Dingemans but this is impossible. BTW the beers tasted great :slight_smile:

I’ve used both without issue.  Perhaps it was mislabeled or over kilned.  How is the taste?  That is the key, of course.  Serve it in opaque or solid colored glasses and it probably will be just fine.