I have a planted 5 new rhyzomes. 2 were put in the ground and 3 are in large pots. Both of the in ground hops have not broken through the ground yet. I’m wondering if I should move two of the potted plants into the ground in place of the ones that haven’t come up,
The hops in the soil were exposed to a couple of very minor frosts and are mulched with wood chips. The container pots are in a slightly less cold and protected area and might just be benefiting from a little extra heat. They were pulled in at night to avoid the frost.
Do you think It would be a good idea to dig up the newly planted, non-potted hops to see if they are dead? I’d hate to lose a whole season of growth when I have viable plants in pots that could be transplanted.
It’s possible that the in ground plants haven’t come up yet but the container hops have about 6 inces of growth.
It’s easy to get anxious about seeing those shoots pop out (and then waiting to see cones form) but the best thing you can do right now is not mess with them but ensure they are properly watered and give them time to do what they are built to do.
It makes sense the ones in theground are late. The light frost won’t hurt them but the warmth of the pots will speed those up. That being said I have not had a 100 percent success rate with hops rhizomes, sometimes it is try again next year.
BTW I would scrape off the wood chips and throw them in the woods where they belong. Wood chips use up tons of nitrogen when decomposing and are a home to pests. Mulch with a thick layer of compost so that you are building up soil instead of using up nutrients. The compost will still block weeds, keep in moisture, and absorb warmth.
Sorry to be a downer bit I would still go with something already composted. I think the grass clippings are fine for an established plant later in the season but fresh grass clippings will compost and create a lot of heat and not drain well which could lead to fungal disease in a young plant or even rot the rhizome. You could buy a bag of compost if you don’t have any.