Chico or Mills River?

I bought my first Celebration of the year on Friday (I think they changed the recipe  :stuck_out_tongue: ) and was wondering whether it was from Chico or the new brewery in Mills River. After some poking around on their web site, I found this
(6.6 MB PDF)

There’s a code sprayed on the bottles that includes a C for Chico and an M for Mills River. It’s pretty much impossible to read unless you shine a light into an empty bottle. My Celebration came from Chico, bottling line 2. The carrier didn’t have all of the codes they list there, though.

The beer itself is excellent again. I look forward to this release more than any other seasonal.

*edit to correct a howling geographical error

Right on. Time to stock up on poinsettias beer. Love that stuff

Can’t wait to get some. I agree, it’s one of the seasonals I look forward to most.

Mills River or Chico? | Bangers and Mash :wink:

I’ll be curious what the verdict is on Celebration as a whole this year. I’ve bought it every single year since it arrived in Indy. Checked the code on the neck that Mike referred to - mine was bottled on 10/3 @ Mills River given the “M” in the code. Honestly, not as good as I’m used to every year and that REALLY hurts to say it. I’m gonna have a few more before I decide how much. I’d also like to hear what the ‘Chico’ people say about theirs before I say more. I have a real soft spot for Celebration.

They did extensive flavor matching of Pale Ale when they started up Mills River. Brew, ferment, mature, package, and send back to Chico overnight for a side by side.

I think the equipment and process would be so similar that you can rule that out. Same for water, they know how to treat water.

One thing that they have said is that Celebration has the same recipe, but the hops differ from year to year.

I took the hard hat tour at Mills River and I think they said all ingredients were sourced identically for both breweries. Since Celebration relies on “fresh hops”, could the extra travel time/conditions have an effect?

I’m three “C” Celebrations in tonight and I’m finding them to be tasty as ever!

FWIW, I’m used to the yearly variation (usually in hops). It’s just that this year’s seems a bit outside the norm, at least in this 12 pack.  Love SN and Celebration, so I want to be fair - sometimes a day or two removed gives a new perspective. I’ll be thrilled if it’s just me - might well be.    :wink:

I had it on draft this week, seems more muted, but still tasty. I actually thought last year’s was subpar, but still good.

Looks like North Texas is getting it’s beer from Chico, at least for now.

Cracked my first 2014 celebration just now. Its a chico. The label is different. No more poinsettias.  Not quite as aromatic as I recall and the flavor is grapefruit zest dominant but I still get that typical celebration malt bill behind it.

I have to remember that im comparing the memory of a stale 2013 drank around march, to a fairly fresh sample. If they used same everything, hot dry summer must bring out the grapefruit zest. Or, my real guess would be that they got a deal on some simcoe.

I’d finished what I bought when you posted that, but restocked yesterday. The flowers are still there, but under the text