
Any reccomendations for the addition of Cinchona bark. I’m thinking about a Saison.

Hmm. Combined with some juniper and maybe cucumber? gin and tonic saison?


I’d be tempted to figure out a way to add at packaging or even serving the first time to experiment with amounts.

Infused simple syrup?

I’d just look at how it’s used for other purposes. From my extremely brief googling it looks like the normal process is to cold steep it like you would coffee beans.

Since it is the source of Quinine and that is the basis of bittering evaluation, I suggest that this is a component that should be used with great care! The infusion idea seems sound.  It would ultimately be a substitute for hop bittering.

I’d be tempted to figure out a way to add at packaging or even serving the first time to experiment with amounts.


If you don’t already have the bark I suggest getting quinine extract which is just extract of chinchona bark. I got some last summer because I was sick of HFCS in tonic water and wanted to make my own less sweet tonic for G&T’s. Maybe you could get a similar style commercial beer and add a drop to get a sense of the taste. And seriously, a drop. Its a strong taste and getting it right will be tricky. If you have the bark you could make your own tincture and try something similar.
I like the idea, i hope it works.

Maybe try to replicate the flavors in a gin & tonic using other ingredients. I’m thinking something like a very dry IPA. I’d target just 15-20 IBU’s from a FWH since the chinchona is going to add a fair amount of bitterness. You just want enough IBU’s for preservative purposes. Then use big flameout and dry hop additions from Simcoe or Chinook (juniper/pine), Motueka (lemongrass/lime zest) and maybe some Sorachi Ace for more herbal/lemon.

Off the top of my head:

~1.065 OG
85% 2-row
5% Crystal-20
10% table sugar

20 IBU Simcoe FWH
2 oz Chinook @flameout
2 oz Motueka @flameout
1 oz Simcoe dry-hop
2 oz Motueka dry-hop
1 oz Sorachi Ace dry-hop

WLP001/WY1056/US-05 or similar

Dose with chinchona tincture to taste prior to bottling

I make a yarrow ale every summer and don’t use any bittering hops or very low ibu for the same reason.