Club-Only Competition Bock Results

Of the  64 entries from 32 States, the following winners were chosen:

First Place – Chris & Nick Orton of Longmont, CO representing the Homebrew Club Indian Peaks Alers, with a 5B Bock, “Bock Minor”

Second Place – Michael Isley of Fargo, ND representing the Homebrew Club Prairie Homebrewing Companions, with a 5D Bock

Third Place – Timothy Collins of Grand Island, NY representing the Homebrew Club Niagara Association of Homebrewers, with a 5C Bock, “T

Other tidbits:
Number of entries received: 64
Number of states represented: 32
Average score: 32.9
Number of 5A. Maibock/Helles Bocks: 18
Number of 5B. Traditional Bocks: 20
Number of 5C. Doppelbocks: 22
Number of 5D. Eisbocks: 4

Awesome Bocks…KUDOS!  8)