Any concerns with cold crashing before bottling? I assume that there will still be plenty of yeast in suspension for carbonation.
That’s what I have been told here, and have really only done it a couple times, but had no trouble with bottle conditioning after a 3-5 day crash.
Definitely okay to crash for up to a few weeks before bottling.
No problems at all, just be prepared for it to take a bit longer for the beer to carb since its starting out cold
Thanks guys. I don’t bottle much anymore. I am giving these away so I am hoping for something with decent clarity. Using US-05 and bottle conditioning kind of makes it difficult from that perspective…
Cold crashing is not a problem providing it is an average gravity beer. Be sure to allow the beer to warm up to room temps before bottling to help give the yeast a head start to ferment the priming sugar. If you are concerned about your bottles priming quickly, you could always add 1-2 grams of a dry yeast (rehydrated) before packaging to ensure a quick carbonation.
It’s a 1.070 beer. It has been in the fermenter for almost a month. Once I have bottled i will let it carb between 70-75F.