Cold IPA beer style?

Saw a Northern Brewer YouTube video on a beer called Chill Factor Cold IPA. Sounds like a IPL but the difference appears to be adding hops only at flameout and a second hop edition at high krausen. It’s not supposed to be hazy but clear. Sounds interesting.

The cold ipa thing is ridiculous in my opinion. I make hoppy lagers instead of IPAs. My current one uses kolsch yeast so I suppose it’s a cold ipa. Just make a hoppy lager/IPL.

I agree.  It’s a gimmick IMO.

What’s in a name if it makes a good beer?  If you give it a go, keep us posted.

Good luck!

I’m not in a hurry to brew it as I’ve other brewing priorities.  It does sound like a gimmick.

Craft Beer & Brewing’s latest edition has a ton of good info on this style (or gimmick), including plenty of comments from its creator/populator Kevin Davey at Wayfinder.  I do think it’s very interesting, though I’m not sure how groundbreaking the idea is.  I’ll happily pick some up if I happen across them in the wild, see what the fuss is about.

By 2024, we will all have completely forgotten about this dumb fad style.

Gimmick or not, I prefer an IPA with huge hop flavor without all the harsh bitterness. …and I prefer a clear beer so if I can get both why not.

Near the bottom of the keg, my first and only attempt at East Coast (Hazy) IPA cleared up but the hop flavor didn’t dissipate. I really enjoyed that beer.

Wether a highly hopped (late) lager or ale — who cares. The NB recipe uses lager yeast so not sure where the ‘ale’ comes in. Maybe a clean ale yeast fermented at the lower end of its range then lagered would be in order. Oh well. I’ll look for a Cold Torpedo and see if I can find it locally.

In my latest beer I used 2 oz Apollo at both 5 min and whirlpool at 140°F for 30 min. I used English Ale yeast so it should clear well. I could have dry hopped but wanted to see how this works out as far as hop flavor. I really don’t like to dry hop but may try it next time if it needs it.

Maybe so, and I’ve never tried one so I’m in no position to argue. What was it about the Cold IPA’s that you have tried that you didn’t like?  A light, crisp, hop forward beer sounds good to me. And I’m not a big fan of crystal malt, so there that. Maybe these beers lack the body to balance the hops??  I’ll reserve judgment until I’ve had a few, if they ever make it to me.

We don’t have Cold IPA around where I live.  If we did, I wouldn’t be one to try it.  I’m generally a malthead/lagerhead, and don’t drink much IPA.  Maybe Cold IPA is good.  Maybe I’ll never know.  Fad might die before I try any.  I almost was able to skip out on Black IPA – remember when that was the thing?  :slight_smile:

I like the ones that I have had, enough that I made a couple batches.  Nice, clear, golden beer with a bunch of American hops.

Black IPA is back!

You mean Cascadian Dark Ale?

To me, Cold IPA tastes like underbittered WCIPA

I do!  And remember “Hazy IPA”?  What were they thinking?  :slight_smile:

I was at New Realm in VA Beach yesterday and asked the server for their best beer, no matter the style. I was served “Hazy Like a Fox”.  It was sublime. (Also strongly recommend “The Commissioner”, their Belgian Golden Ale).

I just think the “idea” of a Cold IPA is solid, even if the idea is not necessarily new.  Whether it can be executed correctly is something else altogether, as is the case for all styles.

I add plenty of bittering to mine.  Maybe I’m doing it wrong.

Which would make it even more like WCIPA.  I’ve only tried a couple so I can’t say if YDIW or not.  Sounds like I my like yours better than the commercial examples I’ve had. They weren’t bad, but I kept wondering why this is new and different, or merited a different name or style. That’s what I consider to be the gimmick. My take away from judging is that a beer is not defined by ingredients or process.  It’s what it tastes like.  And the ones I’ve had are not really different than WCIPA.

I remember when a lot of us said that about NEIPAs Dave:)

I make a cold IPA I suppose. I call it an IPL. It’s really good. It’s not a new thing…

I think of it as a Pilsner with lots of “new world” hops.