That is all…I thought they were a lie… I probably won’t drink it lol

It’s the new thing.

lol what will these kids think of next…

I certainly will try this style when I see it, it doesn’t sound bad at all.

What’s in an IPL? Which confuses me as well.

I think it sounds fine. I would try one.

But, I m not sure an IPA made with lager yeast and Pilsner malt is different enough to warrant a special moniker.

What will the brewing industry think of next to simply re-package/re-brand the same style under a different name? How lazy and uninspired is this industry going to get?

Pilsner malt? Check. Lager yeast? Check. Adjunct sugars? Check. Just a west-coast IPA, folks.

And don’t even get me started on the whole session-beer thing…

Cold IPA?  Pfffft. Try a hot Pilsner.

This just strikes me as a few breweries trying to be the next thing (Brut IPA anyone?). The name is just silly. Maybe if it was “cold Dry hopped” I’d understand.

Ultimately there are truly very few new beers under the sun. I used to brew a “hazy” beer with Amarillo hops with US-05 before the “Hazy” craze started. It was brewed and served with yeast and hop haze in a couple of weeks. I added wheat malt to justify the whole thing (I called it a hoppy wheat). I’m sure other homebrewers were doing the same thing. I remember a brewery serving an “oat IPA” many yearst before the “hazy” revolution – it was hazy and very hoppy/juicy.

I have had plenty of clear, crisp (and delicious) IPAs with adjuncts. Some were probably obviously very pale and brewed with pilsner malt and possibly with adjuncts.

I remember brewing a “s’mores stout” many, many years ago and getting ridiculed for it on the More Beer forum. This was long before the “pastry” stout" craze.

Regardless, it is obvious that breweries are trying to create the next “whale” to chase with silly ideas and names. At least the “hazy” beers are true to an actual style – love 'em or not. They have unique qualities. A “cold IPA” is just kinda silly.

Which is exactly what I said when we discussed them on the podcast

korean macro beer companies have had the worst english marketing phrases

“super clear”, from companies who exclusively make macro adjunct lagers (theyre all as clear as yellow water)

Super clear beer from a brewery called Kloud!

that fitz beer was horrendous. korean alcohol tastes are completely different from north american in many ways. artificial non-fermentable sweeteners everywhere.

the older brands they phased out -OB Blue, OB Pilsner, some others i cant remember were more like standard crappy NAILs, but breweries in korea have been trending more towards extremely carbonated, extremely light bodied and low alcohol beers with an artificially sweet edge. its been a long time now since ive forced myself to drink fitz or happoshu filgood but they were really, really undrinkable at all.

Bring back bud dry

This is stupid. I’ve been making these for years and simply call them hoppy lagers or IPL

What’s next?  A hefty hefe?  A pilly pilsner?  ;D


No, only IPA’s sell. So, a Hefty IPA and Pilsy IPA are probably more appropriate…

You’re laughing now, but just wait until you see a hefty IPA on tap for $8. It’s kind of what you get with Omega Bananza, thats a hefe yeast with the POF/clove component removed.

IPLs/cold IPAs are great. Riggs Brewing in Champaign, IL makes a great one. For all the people complaining about NEIPA you’d think it’d grab more traction.

Hi from the land of Oz. I see your cold IPA and raise you a CRYSTAL IPA.