Colorado Malting company

My father in law got ahold of a 50# bag of Colorado Malting Company “Base Pale.” He told me to let him know when I need more. He can either get it free, or on the cheap, can’t remember. What a score! I was just getting ready to buy more base malt.
I have read a couple threads about the stuff and people seem to be very impressed with it.

I am curious if any of you have used the stuff.

I have never heard of it so let us know how it is.

I used in once in our club’s Iron Brewer. We made a sort of pale ale with it and it was fine. Nice clear, yellow colored beer.

I got a hold of 10# of CO Malting Base malt earlier this year.  Worked very well in a straight-up pale ale.  I’d definitely use it again - and our club is working to get a few bags…


Goggle is your friend;

Apparently you can order off the above linnk ;D

I have already been to the website, but it doesn’t give much info.

Just a follow up on this malt…

Its really good stuff. So far I’ve done three batches with it: Blonde ale, American Brown, and American Pale Ale.

Only the Blonde has been consumed and I’d say the quality is up there with rhar and others. At least I couldn’t detect noticeable differences.

I have noticed that with this malt, the hot break has formed better, producing a very clear wort. It could be just a coincidence though… ::slight_smile: It could be that my mash has been closer to the correct pH than in the past…

Give it a try if you get a chance! I like to support the smaller companies!!

It states on their website that their, “longtime growers of Coors barley” & Dry Dock is a customer so it must be good local stuff. I wonder if they’re outsourcing any of the malts to be kilned?