Congrats to a local GABF Silver winner

Dortmunder Adambier, Blue Pants Brewery, Madison AL, Historical Beer, 2015

My Village (6000 people) has a medal winner. Silver for a Dubble, Quad. River’s Edge Milford MI. They have been in operation just over one year, and are walking on air.

The greater Indy area did well @ GABF :

Auburn Lager, Mad Anthony Brewing Co., Fort Wayne, American Style Amber Lager
Sanitarium, Bier Brewery, Belgian-Style Dubbel or Quadruple
Sunlight Cream Ale, Sun King Brewing Co., Golden or Blonde Ale
Electric Stinger, The Tap Beer Co., Bloomington, Honey Beer

Generation Alt, Flix Brewhouse, German-Style Altbier
Antonius 1742 Oktoberfest, Thr3e Wise Men Brewing Co., German-Style Märzen
Batch 666: Sympathy For The Devil, Sun King Brewing Co., Wood- and Barrel-Aged Strong Beer

Qualified, Taxman Brewing Co., Bargersville, Belgian-Style Dubbel or Quadruple
Cherry Busey, Sun King Brewing Co., Belgian-Style Fruit Beer
Hot for Teacher Ms. Doppelbock, Thr3e Wise Men Brewing Co., German-Style Doppelbock or Eisbock

Milford is also home to the General Motors Proving Ground.  Let’s take the products that we make and push them to their limits.  How cool is that?

Somehow, I am familiar with that place.  8)

That beer is extraordinarily good, I told weedy (their  head brewer) that I thought it was the best beer ever brewed in Alabama. That said, we have never entered a beer in any competition yet, so there is that.

Devil’s Backbone won gold for their Vienna Lager. That is the best commercial Vienna lager I’ve had. Extremely good and well deserving of gold.

Toppling Goliath didn’t get a single medal. Awwwww poor over hyped brewery.

I have never been impressed by Devil’s Backbone Vienna.  It must be a different beer on tap than it is in bottles.

I saw Weedy on the news the other night. This is big for the Huntspatch beer scene …the local news jumped on it!

Did they? The local news here is all about beer.

I guess I may need to try the beer. It’s got a bit scary (high) ABV content for me.

That’s a shame. I did have it in bottles and on tap while I was in VA Beach last month. I didn’t seem to notice too much of a difference. It was a nice beer though - nice malt character, not sweet or caramelly like a lot of Vienna’s are on the market and it was well balanced, finishing dry.

By the way, I didn’t see you or Tommy at the Nook last night to celebrate the silver medal! I went to support Weedy, he’s a great kid, and becoming an excellent brewer as well.

I drank a 7 oz pour of the AdamBeir again and it has gotten even better than the last time I tried it. The Brett is really starting to pick up that nice cherry pie filling/Orvalish character. What an excellent beer! I call BULLSH!T about the 12% though. Probably 10%.

I didn’t even know. I was working last night. But, last night if I wasn’t working I would have gone to Rocket Republic for “The Martian: Science Facts vs. Science Fiction, where you’ll hear from 5 subject matter experts from NASA Marshall Space Flight Center who are actively working on some of the technologies showcased in the movie.”

That has to be one of the coolest brewery events ever.

Geek out, Huntsville!

Awesome! Glad to know I missed it! :wink:

“I’m gonna try to get through this beer and zzzzzzzzz…”

A beer I racked into barrels won! Admittedly, I don’t deserve all the credit, but 80% seems reasonable. :wink:

I have never submitted any of our beers for awards but I am planning on doing so next year for sure.

If a beer I have tasted wins, I take partial credit. I helped financially and my feedback to the  bartender surely made its way back through the distribution channel to the brewer who surely tweaked the recipe accordingly.  [emoji48]

PS. Unfortunately the only winner from my region is a beer I haven’t tasted.

Absolutely! I’m sure the same has happened with my feedback.  :wink:

Agreed. Much the same way I feel when the Canucks win. They lose, but WE win.

Take a look at Best of Craft.  Would be a good warmup for the big show.