Converting UK keg to fermenter

I had a couple of UK kegs given to me, but because they are only 13 gal, I don"t want to make them boil kettles. I thought I could make them into 10 gal fermenters, but can’t find a conversion kit for anythjing but Sankey kegs. Can anyone give me any advice on this…can I just use a Sanke converter, or is there a better option. I am new to the forum and to the AHA, have been brewing for 1 1/2 years now and am looking forward to any advice I can get. Cheers!!!

If you measure the size of the fitting you may find that the conversion kit works on the euro kegs as well.  The US D-couplers and the euro S-couplers are very, very similar.  If it is other than the s-type I don’t know if it will work or not.