Trying a mead again but got myself confused on all the additions that are used.
I have lots of DAP and Go-Ferm but only a little Fermaid-K left. Thought I had more.
Searched for what is in Go-Ferm and Fermaid-K only to be more confused than at the beginning. Maybe it is still too early on a Saturday morning.
My mead is under way at 24 hours. Plan was to add .25g/L of each DAP and Fermaid-K today, again tomorrow and then again on Monday. Then again at 2/3 drop of sugar.
Can I substitute Go-Ferm in any way for Fermaid-K?
I know that Go-Ferm doesn’t contain any DAP, while Fermaid-K contains some, but otherwise I’m not sure what other differences there are specifically. The MSDS doesn’t have anything specific.
Do you have any other yeast nutrient around? I have substituted the Wyeast nutrient that I normally use in beer and starters with good results. Otherwise I’d go with the GoFerm if you have no other options.
As a basic answer GoFerm is not a direct substitute for Fermaid K as the levels of vitamins and minerals are not the same and since honey is severely lacking in these essential nutrients, and DAP is simply nitrogen and phosphate, you do need to compensate for a secure fermentation. I would try to get some Fermaid K. If for reasons that you cannot, you can try adding the Goferm during the rehydration phase, at 2-3 brix drop with some DAP and again at 1/3 sugar depletion (again with DAP). I would look at 20g/hL add of GoFerm each time. I am assuming that you have a copy of Clayton Cones guide to mead fermentations, but if not please find a copy of this excellent resource attached as a link below.
(The link was bad but I googled it and found the PDF above)
So it looks like I need to get to a LHBS to get more Fermaid K.
I did follow up and asked what the shelf life of Fermaid K was, because it is cheaper in bulk. I was told:
The shelf life is 4 years from production in the original package. If you are purchasing from a re-sale company, you should check with them.
So there you have it. Thanks to Dr. Nichola Hall at Scott Laboratories- Healdsburg