Will be doing a mead this afternoon. If anyone sees this in time and has some experience with meads, is there a close substitute for go-ferm during yeast rehydration? I have on hand LD Carlson Yeast Energizer, Fermax yeast nutrient and some Wyeast Nutrient blend. I believe the go-ferm is primarily composed of yeast-derived minerals/vitamins that help initial cell wall development. I’ve also heard that DAP added too soon can be stressful to the yeast. I suspect the Wyeast blend may be most appropriate.
Any thoughts?
When I haven’t had Go-Ferm on hand I simply omitted it when rehydrating. My last mead went from 1.120 to 1.002 with no Go-Ferm, so I didn’t really notice any ill effects.
Thanks, Eric. I appreciate the advice. That gives me more confidence that all will go well.