I saw that yesterday. Looks like they had fun doing that spot.
I have added the book to my amazon cart but its still “pre order” status. Looks great though.
Can’t wait to get it !
They’ve also done the rounds on some of the Podcasts (Beersmith and Basic Brewing). If the banter in the book is half as good as their interviews, then this is going to be a fantastic read.
I was there when that video was shot. Their seminar at NHC was a blast.
I think that may be the most fun interview I’ve ever done…
Glad you enjoyed it! I wish you would have introduced yourself.
It’s pretty much the same. We can’t do it any other way…it’s just us!
I spoke with you for about a microsecond before you and Drew had to go out to shoot the spot. I did not hang around until shooting was over because I had to meet up with someone from the Maryland contingent. It was a beautiful day, so I figured that I would follow the group outside.
grrr… just got yet another schedule update on the book from Amazon - delayed till Nov 5.
Looking forward to it!
May be a bit before that based on my latest info.
Would have been cool to see you strum the ukulele
for an encore! Great video! The Click and Clack of homebrew.
Got my copy of the book in hand! It’s awesome and beautiful. It’s a great addition to your brewing library and different (in a good way) from any others.
Nice job Denny and Drew!
On order this morning - now just waiting on delivery!