Mosher's new book

I’ve heard a new book from Mosher was coming, but I just noticed it was listed on Amazon for pre-order and will ship in a few days. Anybody know any details?

There’s a fairly large part you can preview on Amazon. Looks pretty cool. Nice illustrations. I noticed part of a very useful overview of different malts.

There are three references to “bicarbonate” in the index. Maybe he not only understands alkalinity, but he can also explain it to intellectually challenged persons like myself (haha, just kidding, this would cause a gravitational singularity).

Randy gave me a look at it at NHC last summer.  It’s stunning!  He’s used his skills as a graphic artist to depict new ways to think about beer flavors.  I’m really looking forward to the book.

Do you think this is the heir to “How to Brew”?

side note:  just once I’d like to see someone come out with a “The moderately incomplete guide…” or even “The Everything the publisher didn’t make me trim…” book.    Sort of like a Lagunitas “Unlimited Release”  ;D

I bet it would be more of a companion than a replacement. Randy thinks more like an artist than a scientist and it shows in his work. At a quick glance at the preview, and from what I’ve heard in interviews, it sounds like it might be more like a bridge between How to Brew and Brewing Better Beer.

:D    Or the ‘Complete Guide To Half A$$ Beer’. Or similar.

Man, I haven’t even had a chance to start Malt yet.

I’m surprised Brewing Better Beer isn’t discussed more on this forum.  I thought that was a really good read.

Without having read it I can’t really say, but my impression is that it’s more advanced and not so much a tutorial.

That was our unofficial subtitle!

It really sounds like a book to have.

It’s near 400 pages! I’ll certainly need to add it to my list.

I pre-ordered it today after seeing this thread, just a couple days until it’s in my hand

I am still reading Experimental Brewing.  Experimental Brewing put the “fun” back into brewing for me.  My hat goes off to Drew and Denny for writing a tome that brings back the excitement that I felt when I first started to brew.  These guys are Magliozzi brothers (i.e., Click and Clack) of home brewing.  I urge every forum member to attend NHC 2015 just for their seminar.




With that said, Randy’s new book is on my list.  Randy is one of a handful of authors who are still around from when I started to brew.  Dave Miller is another author who has stood the test of time.

Man, I could use a couple days like that in Michigan now! That was a gorgeous day. Someone told me Mark Ohrstrom and Mrs. R were giving “encouragement” from the walkway above. My story was that I was busy.