Denny’s wry IPA?

Finally getting around to brewing this in the near future with 1450.  With the push in recent years of upping the dry hop amounts, is 1 oz DryHop still what people are doing?
Also, what is the average FG for most people?

I’ve made it exactly as the recipe states for a dozen years or more. If you start changing things then it won’t be Denny Conn’s Wry Smile IPA any longer.

That’s the way the recipe is.  It doesn’t change depending on fads.  FG is usually around 1.013.

Thanks, that’s what I figured.

I did a search for it, and could not find it.  Any link?  Sounds like one I would like to try

It’s on the AHA website in the recipe section: Wry Smile Rye IPA - Beer Recipe - American Homebrewers Association

I believe you need to be an AHA member to access this recipe (I just renewed for three years halo shining).


My bad, sometimes I get a little dense in the grey matter.  LOL.  I just joined too, you would think I would have looked there.  Thanks.

If you’re an extract brewer you can still brew it as Briess, with Denny’s assistance, developed a rye extract.

I think I will be brewing this recipe in a week or two (second in waiting in my queue), and as I have been split-batching all my brews lately (to help me learn what different yeasts contribute, relative to each other), thought I might do the smaller half of this batch as a lager.  Yes, no?  Why or why not?  I’ve got 2nd generation slurries of both Diamond Lager and S-189.  They’ll need to be used before they go to waste…  (There’s probably a dunkel coming up here soon too, favoring the S-189 for that one I think.)

If a strong ‘No’ is the consensus, then I’d probably opt for a less ‘clean’ ale yeast, just to compare with the ‘clean’ split-half.  Maybe Verdant, as that is one I’ve been liking a lot lately…


A large part of the character of that beer comes from WY1450.  Using another yeast will change it considerably.

The only time I’ve used liquid yeast in a really long time was when I brewed this beer.

Agreed - that’s why the larger ‘half’ of the split batch will try to remain as faithful as possible to the original.  It’s the other half of the split-batch that I want to experiment with…  to help me learn what another yeast brings to the table when compared against the ‘control group’ so to speak.  Because I’ve done so little with lager yeasts so far, I thought that might be an interesting side-by-side contrast to help me learn.  But if you think a lager yeast version would be downright nasty, I’d love suggestions for other contrasts.  (Aside from US-05 and Bry-97 and Notty and Windsor; I already have a good idea how those would turn out.)

No, I don’t think it will be nasty but I do feel like it will kinda be pointless.  You’d likely have better results with 1056.  If you want to experiment,  try 1968.

Thanks!  Actually, 1968 is one that I have often thought I would probably like in various recipes, but I haven’t tried it yet.  (And some other upcoming brews that would work well with it too.)  That’s a great idea.