So I have never brewed a rye beer. I like the taste of most rye beers I have had. Unfortunately I haven’t had much in the IPA department maybe a few DIPA and TRIPAs. So I am shooting for a mild rye taste with more of a citrus/melon taste/aroma coming from the hops. Here is what I have:

12 lbs Pale 2 row US
3 lbs Rye Malt

2 oz Centenial (60 min)
1 oz Mosiac (30 min)
1 oz Citra (10 min)
1 oz Mosaic (Flameout)

1 pkg California Ale yeast

So that’s what I have. Any and all suggestions are welcome. I look forward to your guy’s and gals advice and help.

I have a rye IPA recipe that’s been pretty well received, but it’s more dank than citrus.  I’d be happy to post it if you’d like to see it.

Yeah I’d be curious to see what other rye ipas look like!

Why of course we’d like to see it!

My Rye APA just got a gold medal at the First Coast Cup in Jacksonville.  I used a lot of Denny’s ideas to make it and just rebrewed it Sunday. 
72% 2-row, 18% Rye malt, 7% Crystal 60 and 3% Carapils approximately.  First wort hopped with Mount Hood, Citra for 60 minute bittering and again at 10 minutes.  Dry hopped with Mount Hood.  1056 yeast.

I have Denny’s RIPA on tap as I type.  It’s about the only IPA I make.  Not a big hop head but his recipe works for me.

I do tend to struggle with sparging it though.  Likely my process/cooler than anything else. I just like to let people new to rye know that it can get a bit sticky.


I know some people have a problem with it, but I never have.  And I’ve made it a LOT!

I’ve recently started adding rice hulls to mashes with adjuncts, especially rye. As little a 1/4 lb. of hulls in a 15 lb. grain bill can make a substantial difference in “stickiness” and runoff time, especially when coupled with a thinner mash.

Or you could change your lauter system so you don’t need them.  Using the braid I have never had a stuck or slow runoff even using up to 60% rye malt.

Here it is…Site Not Found

Thanks for posting Denny. I have a question on your hop additions. What does  First WH mean on that mt hood hop?

1.00 oz.    Mt. Hood                          Whole    5.10  6.0  First WH
  1.25 oz.    Columbus                          Whole  16.00  64.8  60 min.

First wort hop…you add them to the kettle as you run off the mash and leave them in through the boil.


Unfortunately, I use a braid and still have trouble.  I know it’s something or other I’m doing but I just haven’t found it yet.  It seems I don’t brew any one recipe often enough to do much troubleshooting.

My next challenge is trying to dial in my new 3 roller mill.  My efficiency took a big hit on the first batch.  But again, I haven’t had time to brew for 3 months so I’ll start that over again once things slow down.

Back on the tracks…  Denny’s recipe is a great one to start with.  One of my favs.


Sorry to hear that, Paul.  Have you tried the Lasco braid I use?  As to the mill, my advice is to crush til you’re scared!

Not sure of the brand of the braid.  The biggest I have right now is time and space.  We’re adding on to our house and it 's all a mess.  Someday I’ll get back to brewing.


I hear ya…

Water profile used?

Brewing this beer for the first time in 14 years or so today.  Also first time with a healthy pitch of 1450.  Looking forward to this classic!

I gotta get a batch of the cranked out