Desperately need some yeast advice!

My parents are flying from Kansas to come visit this Friday for two weeks.  I am in Hawaii.  I am wanting to do a 8-10 day Pale Ale for my Dad, but my LHBS (only one on the Island) is out of my 1st choice (WLP 090), and 2nd choice (WLP 001).  I tweaked one of the recipe’s from the Zymurgy issue that had the 6-10 day recipes.

My options are- WLP 002, 004, 005, 007, 013, 041, and 862.  There are a few other White Labs yeasts that are in stock, but I don’t think they would work well.

I can get dry yeast no problem, but I just really have had great results with White Labs and would like to stick with one of their strains.

I am thinking WLP 041, or WLP 862 with a starter.  Any advice?  I am not too sure the Cry Havoc would be that great for a fast-turn around, but maybe it is.  I haven’t ever used any of these strains, so any advice would be appreciated.  Should I just go with some dry yeast?  I have access to US-04, 05; Nottingham, Cooper’s, Munton’s,

002 and 007 would be among my top choices for a pale ale. Either will be much more flocculant than 001, so they should help with your fast turnaround. Nothing wrong with S-04 either.

Go with WLP007.  That beer will ferment out to near 80% attenuation in about 3 days and the beauty is it floccs like WLP002.  You want to try and control ferment temps because that yeast will want to run away from you.  If you can, pitch at about 66F, let it free rise to 69F, hold and ferment at 69F x 3 days and then move it to somewhere warm in your house to finish out ferment.  Dry hop and then crash cool and transfer over to your serving vessel (obviously easier if you have a keg and can force carbonate).  In my experience, WLP090 is very finnicky (personnnally after 2 very poor ferments, I will never use again) and WLP001 is a poor flocculator.  WLP007 is the best of both worlds:  a strong attenuator/fermentor and a good flocculator.  Good luck!

Thanks for the fast replies.  I do have temperature controlled fridges for fermenting.  I have had good luck with WLP 090 at 68F.  I have used it twice.  The second batch was re-harvested in a Black IPA.

Looking like I will go with 007.  Thanks again!

I will be kegging also.  I haven’t force-carbed the fast way yet.  I usually do it over 5-7 days.  I think I will try carbonating at 25 PSI for 48 hours.  Kegerator is at about 35F.  I will pull a sample after 24 hours.

What I would suggest doing instead is setting the keg to your serving pressure and shaking it as often as you can for ~48 hours, then letting it settle for 24 hours before pouring off the sediment.

You can actually get the beer fully carbonated after just an hour or so of more or less continuous shaking by doing this, and you avoid any risk of over-carbonation.

I personally would go with dry yeast.  It can be a great choice for a quick brew.  S-04 and Nottingham are particularly fast fermentors.  I share your appreciation for White Labs, but dry yeast may deserve some consideration.

I haven’t ever tried carbing fast, but it seemed like most of the stuff I had read said shaking led to over-carbonation.  But, that was at 30 PSI.  I haven’t heard of doing it at serving pressure.  I think I may try that method.

Keep in mind that WLP007 ferments out dry.  I use this yeast on a regular basis, and it never fails to get the job done quick, and it falls out quick too.  However, because the yeast ferments out dry, I always compensate by adding just a little extra flavoring malt and body.

I have some S-04 on hand, I just seem to always have better beers with White Labs. Maybe its just a bias I have.    I also believe the Zymugy issue said S-04 left the beer the most cloudy.  Not too big a deal, but  I am just wanting to make the best beer I can when my parents are here.  They only visit once a year, and I am wanting to involve my Dad from grain to glass.  I meant to pick up supplies last week, but didn’t get a chance.  Now the LHBS is sold out of the yeast I planned on.

Maybe I will use S-04.  Kind of a toss up between that and 007.

Thanks to all for the advice.

This.  I often use S-04 for a fast turnaround on low gravity beers.  It ferments quickly and floccs well.

And this.  Carb at serving pressure, you’ll save yourself some headaches.

I find S-04 clears much faster than US-05, but feel free to use 002 or 007.  I would go with 002, but you can use what you like.

I will do be doing some Googling.  Toss up between the S-04 and WLP 007.  I was wrong about having S-04 on hand.  I have (1) packet each WB-06, S-33, and T-58.  I don’t think those would be good for a Pale Ale.  I picked those up on the last trip to the mainland.

I am leaning towards WLP 007.

I am also going to carb at serving pressure.

I will post my results, and recipe after my parents leave.  Thanks for the comments, and please keep posting if you have more!

I recommend pitching an active starter of 007 which will minimize lagtime and make for a faster process…or using SO4 which flocculates quickly.

I’ll add a vote for 007. It will finish and flocculate within a few days. I like to start it at 65 and then start ramping up the temp after 24 hours so I hit 70 by day 4 or 5.