Determining gravity contribution of sugars added during fermentation

The title pretty much says it all.  Is there a way to accurately calculate the gravity contribution of sugars (ie: 1 lb of turbinado sugar) to a beer already in fermentation?  Thanks!

The OG contribution is the same that it would have had if you added it to the wort.

Turbinado sugar is contributes pretty much 100% of its weight to the OG thus it adds 46 pppg. The volume is the volume of beer. If you want to be more precise you would include the increase in beer volume when you add the sugar. Each lb of sugar adds about 0.3 qt of volume. But I don’t think that that will make enough of a difference.


At the risk of sounding noobish, what does 46ppg mean? :X

Gravity points per gallon.  If you had a specific gravity of 1.046, the gravity points would be 46.

Points per Pound per Gallon.  That is, if your sugar is 46ppg, then one pound of that sugar in one gallon would give you 46 points, aka 1.046 gravity.

and thus if you added one pound to 5 gallons, it would bump your gravity up 9 points (46/5 = 9.2)

which would show for example your gravity going from 1.045 to 1.054

excellent, thanks for the clarification!