Do I need to think about passivating my stainless?

I keep hearing about passivating stainless brew pots.  Is this done occasionally, a regular thing, or only when a problem occurs?

And then how does one do this?

It happens automatically in air.  Don’t worry about it.

Unless you get rust on any of your stainless I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s more an issue at the commercial brewery level. But if you were to need to do it you can knock rust off with green scrubby and recirculated acid #5 at whatever concentration is recommended on label. Works well to remove beer stone, too.

Will StarSan in any concentration level work? I just scrubbed a couple of small rust spots off the bottom of a keg and I always have StarSan available.

Acid is not necessary, but may be helpful.  Try it if you like, but you can just leave the dry stainless exposed to air.

Bar Keepers Friend I think will do the trick. I use it on my SS “Coors” Keggle.

Bar Keepers Friend will not passivate stainless.

I’ve always been curious why you have that on all your posts.

Mr. Palmer says.