I’m brewing a 1.035 bitter, 5.5 gallons in fermenter.
I have a smack pack manufacture date 7-18-15.
I have read small beers with fresh yeast one doesn’t need to make a starter.
I know this is a small beer but does the yeast considered “fresh”?
Brewers Friend yeast calc. says I need a one liter starter.
No. A few years back Neva (sp?) of White Labs put on a presentation at NHC. Her recommendation was not to make a starter smaller than 1 L because you are essentially trading very health yeast for more less healthy yeast.
Thanks for the input.
I ended pitching without a starter.
My OG ended up at 1.043.
Ever since I started using BeerSmith my gravities have been high.
I could never figure out how to change the mash efficiancy. But I have it figured out now. Brewed a second batch and hit my gravities dead on.
I don’t understand why Beer Smith can’t just let you enter a mash efficiancy in the mash profile. I had to work backwards changing brew house efficiancy until my predicted mash efficiancy matched what I am actually getting.
I also think the way it figures batch sparge water additions is confusing.
Sometimes it gives me something like
◯ Batch sparge with 4 steps (Drain mash tun , 1.52gal, 1.52gal, 1.52gal) of 168.0 F water
My trick is this… When I first enter a recipe, I use a profile that has my end of boil kettle volume (5.5 for me) entered in the batch volume field with zero losses to the kettle or fermenter. This will make the efficiencies match. From there I switch to a profile for the equipment I will be using. I do the switch with or without using the scale function depending on the equipment and batch size.
I recently switched to beersmith because I feel it has the best chance for future development and is cross platform. That being said, it is missing a lot of features that other solutions offer. Don’t get me started on how useless the phone app is.