Done. Passed.

Hi everyone!  I finished my defense less than an hour ago and am dropping stuff off before going to the party. ;D

I probably won’t be around until tomorrow, there is Deus to be opened and other things planned.


no idea what Deus is… ???

I’ve dropped one but never opened one…  ;D

Congrats!!!  What did you defend?

the proper classification of wet and fresh hop ales… :smiley:

Congrats Tom!

mmm Deus
well-deserved Doctor!


I would think his PhD thesis defense was what Tom was talking about.  Big congradulations!  Do we have to call you Doctor now?

Deus is a Belgian beer made in the fashion of a champagne, very dry that one.

What to go, Tom!  Party like it’s 1999…waidaminnit…

yes, I know - tschmidlin will get the joke - he got pretty animated about defending the definition of fresh and wet hop ales on a thread a while back - I was poking at him a little… ;D


Way to go, and you get a new lab coat (as my dad always called his gown)

Right on Herr Doktor!  Congratulations!

Looks like those jiu jitsu lessons came in handy after all!  :smiley:


The closest any one in my family has come to being a PhD  is Post Hole Digger.

Congrats. I wasn’t going to have a beer tonight, but this calls for a celebration! Gonna hit the taps now!  :slight_smile: (thanks for the excuse!)

Me too . . so down the pie hole with the Alaskan Smoked Porter clone.  :stuck_out_tongue:

Tom, can you advocate this??  “A beer a day keeps the Doctor away . . .”

Congrats! Now that’s a reason for a party, cheers.

Probably can unless the “doctor” is a beer loving mooch! :slight_smile:

Saweeeeeeet!  Long hours do pay off?? We all know hard work does not… :wink:

Congrats Tom!

Education is the best provision for old age.  ~Aristotle  ;)