I posted some derogatory comments about a friend, that I have known for over 5 years. It reflected badly on myself and the AHA. When you are drunk posting is not great idea. Please think before you hit the return button. Nothing good will happen from this, trust me.
You will be judged by what you have posted.
I know I will be judged, but don’t let yourself be judged.
What I said was bad, even worse I relied on the Moderators to clean up my mess. I was an ass don’t you be an ass and hope others will clean up for you. I owe all the moderators a thank you. Maybe they should have let what I posted through and used me as an example. This is why you should not post drunk. I have been forgiven, but I want everyone that is my place to think before you post.
Even if you post there are great men and women who will ask you if that is really what you want to post? I’m in awe of these poeple, thanks euge.
I want to than the Moderators, I promise I will NOT DO THIS AGAIN.
I"M SUPPRISED YOU WOULD WANT ME AROUND, I don’t derserve it. I hope to be an asset not an ASS.
Forgive your friend and yourself and move on. We are all familiar with each other on this forum and feel a tight bond. It’s unfortunately too easy sometimes for us to want to communicate our feelings especially when our judgment is impaired along with reduced inhibitions. Sometimes it’s tempting but, there are ways around it. If you are imbibing while on a forum and you feel yourself getting a little more than tipsy, log off and set the log in timer for say 15 or 20 minutes and forget about it. Or you can shut down your pc, unplug or whatever, the time it takes to startup, log on etc and you think you want to say something online it’ll give you time to cool down and think about it. Instead, try grabbing a beer related book or magazine and focus on another subject or go out to your brewery and clean that keg, kettle, bottles or anything else that you’ve been putting off. HTH’s .
+1 to what all have said, it’s ok… forgive him and yourself, and recognize the learning & blessings in taking it on as you have.
we all overindulge occasionally, forgetting how powerful alcohol can be. it’s been noted on this forum many times what a great group of folks homebrewers are. it never ceases to amaze me that despite the many people drinking much alcohol at our NHC gatherings (and homebrew club meetings, competitions, events, etc) there are almost zero ‘drunk’ incidents. homebrewers seem to be happy drunks rather than combative or violent ones. this is good
So glad you’re back man! Thought you jumped ship. No hrm no foul. We’ve all done things we wish we hadn’t. I think most of us here know each other well enough not to let one incident get in the way of a good friendship. Takes a hell of a man to fess up like you did. Knuckles to you for that, my brother. 8)
Anyone who hasn’t done something they regret while drinking just isn’t remembering. It all depends on how you deal with it afterwards. Man up, fix it, get over it, don’t make the same mistake twice. Any fair person will give you a pass once if they see that.
Dang, I missed the hubub. Oh well. I’d forgive you if I knew what I was forgiving, and forget what I wasn’t there to remember, but I can’t so instead I’ll offer my eternal understanding and appreciation of drunken ramblings past and future. ;D
good apology marc, but so long as the offendee (euge?) and you have squared up, all is good here - takes a good man to issue a public mea culpa, and you’ve done that so let’s move on to talking about our shared love of beer!
guess I missed the hoopla when I took a break from the forums for a few weeks, see what happens when I leave you guys alone ;D?
This is what’s cool about being guys here. With. Two men, crap can go down, it gets talked out, and tbeer is drank by said parties, and then a couple dirty jokes told, and all is right in the world again. If this happened with a couple women, on a knitting board, I bet the internet would be shut down by now! LOL no offense to any ladies here, just a difference between men and women. Not saying it’s good or bad, just pointing it out. ;D
I’m hopeful things will be on the up and up now. I think we all can learn from this and chalk it up as a learning experience. Let’s try to put this one to bed and move on.
All PUI charges are dropped…You’ve been officially released on the first offenders program.