Anyone have a good doppelbock recipe that could be freeze concentrated into a good eisbock?
Looking to brew a 5 gallon batch of doppelbock and freeze a portion of it to make a great eisbock so I can have both the dopple and the eis out of one brewday. I understand that concentrating the doppelbock can lead to flavors being intensified and potentially cloying if the original beer recipe is not considered for freezing. Any thoughts?
We just tapped a half barrel batch of jamils doppelbock, fermented with 34/70. The base beer is excellent. We are considering eising one keg of the three, so I’m following this thread!
I have been looking at some recipes online and am slowly formulating one in my head which will eventually get transcribed into Promash as soon as I wrap my head around what I am looking for.
If you decide to “eis” one of those kegs, please let me know how it turns out…
Excellent, although it was a learning experience trying to find the proper temp to eis it. Since I with a bock base, it wasn’t as strong, which is what I wanted.
I guess it depends on the lovibond of that Munich II. For example I use a dark munich that is 15L. If I used that for 100% it might be a bit over the top to maintain a drinkable bock, at least for me. I do no-sparge a lot of brews too which could also be contributing to that extra malt punch.
Denny what method did you use to freeze distill? We have about 4 gallons sitting in a corny keg. I would prefer not to rack it again, but I can if need be.