How long do you guys and gals dry hop for. I usually leave them in till I keg and I dry hop at 7 days. Is this wrong? Suggestions? People say it give’s off flavors or grassy I don’t experience that with cascade. Will I with other hops?
Inhave never gotten grassy flavors from dry hopping for any length of time. I now usually dry hop in the serving keg, which means the dry hops stay in 2-3 months.
I dry hop in the keg as well. Two days at room temp and keep them in till the end. I have never had grassy flavors. Would like to hear a first hand account of someone who has, as I’m curious why it never happens to me.
I am very lazy. I often leave dry hops in for as long as 1-2 weeks before bottling, and then there are always a few bottles with a lot of hop leaves in the bottoms. Those bottles have more of a tendency to gush upon opening. However they always seem to taste fine, and I’d agree with others – NOT grassy.
Grassiness I think comes from those who grow their own but don’t bother to dry the hops before use. Chlorophyll. I grow my own but they are thoroughly dried before packaging or use.
I’ve never gotten grassy flavors, either, have gotten some excessively astringent bitterness sometimes. Anyone else had that from extended keg dry-hopping?
I thought my last Dunkel was a little weak in hops bitterness, so I put some Crystal hops in a SS hop infuser 300 mesh (including the lid) and sat it in the 3 gallon keg. Tried the beer in 6 hours and seemed VERY strong with hops, so I pulled them out. After it sat in the keg a couple of days, the excessive hopiness diminished and is about right now.