Looking for thoughts on a first pass at a Dunkelweizen.
I won’t be using anything besides what I list, or what I currently have in inventory to sub in.
Thanks in advance.
Fermenter Vol: 3 gal
OG 1.050
IBU - 15-20
BU:GU - .36
SRM - 18
ABV - 5%
I realize this is not 50% wheat so I can call this an American Dark Wheat in order to not run afoul with the style-police.
46% Pale Wheat
46% Munich
5% Victory
3% Carafa II
Possible appropriate subs that I have in stock are Dark Munich, Vienna, Pale Chocolate, Melanoidin, C120, or British Crystal 50/60.
I was only planning on an early bittering addition so I’m not sure it matters much.
Nugget, Bravo, Magnum, or Mt Hood are all possibilities.
I have some Saaz and Tettnang to add late if necessary but I won’t waste these for IBU’s.
Lallemand Munich Classic
No options here, I already have the packet.
I’ve never used this yeast before so I’m not sure what to expect attenuation-wise.
BIAB single infusion.
Estimated pH 5.48
152° for 60 minutes
60 minute Boil
House water slightly treated with Lactic to adjust pH and Gypsum to add a little SO4. SO4:CL 1:1, give or take.
A close approximation to Bru’n Water’s “Brown Full” target.
I would like some banana and clove, but not much. So in order to keep the yeast character relatively low, I plan to pitch the whole packet, no underpitching. Ferment in the mid 60’s. Maybe raise to 70-72 towards the end of fermentation.
Keg to approximately 2.75-3 vols.