Everything in my freezer smells like hops

I don’t have a vacuum sealer. I seal my hops the best I can in zip lock bags. That isn’t stopping the aroma from permeating everything in my freezer. All of my food has a hoppy taste to it. I am thinking I either need a vacuum sealer or one of these Amazon.com

You should try using the original packaging for leftover hops. Weigh out what you need, roll it up and rubberband or tape it. Then freezer. Most hop suppliers use oxygen barrier bags purged with either nitrogen or co2. Normally those will stay at the bottom of the bag if you only open to take what you need and put it back.

I do that. I roll them up and put them in large storage zip lock bags. The packaging may be oxygen barrier but there is no way to effectively reseal them.

I might add that I am already running a 5.5 cubic foot freezer, a 4 cubic foot beer fridge, and a kegerator. I know I can get a 5 or 6 cubic foot freezer brand new for what they are asking for this little one, but the little one runs on 1.4 amps, that would work out to 168 watts assuming 120 volts ac. That would be like running 2 light bulbs. That and the fact that it is so compact that I can put it anywhere in the house I want to makes it more suited to my needs. I had a vacuum sealer and it just quit pulling vacuum after not too many uses. I have been reading reviews on a number of food saver and seal a meal units and finding they all seem to share that problem.

I solved that by having my beer fridge freezer packed full of hops. The hops smell like hops!

Ziplock material is not O2 barrier, so,not for long term storage in my book.

Just curious…were you using your vacuum sealer for sealing other food items, meats, etc.?  If so, the units can stop pulling strong vacuum when they get clogged with juices from some items.  Just put a few tablespoons of a vinegar/water solution into a bag and let the liquid suck into the works.  It will clean any gunk out quickly and effectively.

FWIW, using that remedy, my FoodSaver unit has been purring along faithfully and effectively for 19 years or more.  It sucks s much s ever (in this case, a good thing  :stuck_out_tongue: )
Frankly, I wouldn’t even consider buying hops is bulk if I wasn’t sealing them by vacuum in barrier bags.

Yes I was using it for everything. It was a cheap Rival sealer that I got for $20 on a woot deal. I figured it was just crap and threw it away a long time ago.

When my wife complained that her Junior’s cheesecake she bought off of QVC tasted like hops, that gave me the green light to spend a couple of hundred bucks on a Cabela’s commercial grade vacuum sealer.  Problem solved.  The commercial grade bags are pricey, but they don’t let any hop aromas get away. My old FoodSaver vacuum sealer did not accomplish that.

It also helps that I hunt and fish, so I have other reasons to own a high end vacuum sealer, other than just to seal hops.

I would agree, unless they’re going to be used within, say, 90 days.

Now I am in trouble. I got 44 lb of Saaz.

I’ll have to give the vinegar and water treatment a try.  My food saver has become very inconsistent on when it sucks.

Thanks for the tip!


I am going to try some of these

They were expensive because when I saw the shipping I decided to get my order over $25 for the free shipping. So I ordered the Blues Brothers in blu ray, that didn’t do it so I ordered a Brief Case Full of Blues which is the album the Blues Brothers did. Then I discovered I needed $10 more so I ordered the first Taken in blu ray. Then I found out that my bags didn’t qualify for the free shipping. But I really wanted that Blues Brothers movie in blu ray. So I ordered it all.Those bags were expensive.

I tried to follow the advice of flushing out the vacuum tubes with air, but it didn’t work.  I also think the heating strip has issues.  So I bought a better vacuum sealer that’s much more quiet, too.