Up til now, I’ve stored my hops in the fridge. I’m going to begin storing them in the Freezer. I’m going to store them in Ziploc vacuum seal bags. My question is, should I store different types of hops in separate bags to avoid having them meld their flavors and aromas?
I store all of mine in vacuum bags individually. I recommend the same.
Store seperate, in vacuum pack bags in the freezer for long term storage.
Thanks for the info. I’ll pack each one in it’s own vacuum bag them put all of those in a larger freezer bag for one more layer of protection. Thanks again for the info!
I buy in bulk, so what I do is cut an extra-long bag for my foodsaver. When I need a hop I cut the top portion of the bag off, then reseal the bag. It’s a big time and money saver.
+1… I usually use the pre-made quart sized bags. I can usually get by with one bag for any flavor/aroma hops. Sometimes I have to use a second bag by the time I get through using a pound of bittering hops with cutting and resealing the bags.
My vacuum food saver has a canning jar attachment. I PACK quart jars full of One single variety
of hop, apply the lid/vacuum seal put on the screw ring and store in the freezer. Light is not an
issue in the dark interior of the freezer. When time to brew, I open a jar, remove the
amount of hops needed, and then re-vacuum the same jar…back in to cold storage it goes.
I think someone on this forum enlightened me about this method and it works well.
Just be sure whatever bags you use are oxygen barrier or everything in your freezer will taste like hops. I don’t have a food vacuum sealer so I use these http://www.amazon.com/Mylar-Ziplock-Food-Storage-Bags/dp/B004WYTCEA/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1401029940&sr=8-3&keywords=ziplock+mylar+bags
You have something besides hops in your freezer? :o
I guess I’m OK. I leave my pellet hops in the mylar bag they came with, with the top snipped off and I seal them in a Ziploc vacuum bag. I’m wondering if removing the air from the bag seals the open end of the mylar bag enough. Maybe I should fold the bag over a couple of times and tape it before I seal the vacuum bag?
The wife has a couple of those frozen drinks packages (happy wife…happy life) and I store my ice cream maker pot in there for when I need it. Also my freezer packs which I use when taking growlers off site.
IME, those Ziploc bags will lose their seal over a month or so when bagging hops. I double bagged when I used them, but I upgraded to FoodSaver that works much better.
The Ziploc bags are fine for meat, though. I wonder if a little liquid helps the seal?