Experimental Brewing 137 - Pop goes the IPA


As hop aroma science has evolved, it figures the wizards at Yakima Chief would attempt to split the aroma atom. They’ve unleashed a blend of hop components that target specific compounds to “pop” fruit forward aromas. YCH’s Spencer Tielkemeyer and Joe Wells of Fair State Brewing help us understand how to maximize your Pop.

Good science episode- I liked it a lot!  Now I know a lot more about the Cryo-Pop pellets that I (blindly) bought and used as a whirlpool hop in my last APA.  Good stuff.

I use a brewbag in my Foundry, but honestly the reason I bought it is because I live in a fairly small place that doesn’t have a hose. So I use it to contain my grain in order to make things easier to clean. Pull out the bag, toss the grain, and use the sprayer in my sink to clean the bag and the malt pipe. Though, if I had a bigger place and a hose I probably never would have bought it.

That was a great show and I learned a lot about hops. Thanks Denny and Drew for the podcast.

I like the brew bag better than a malt pipe, way easier to clean in my experience. Kind of wish I could’ve gotten my foundry without it tbh. I get better efficiency with the bag. Now I need to figure out what to do with the malt pipe.

I picked up some cryo pop, debating whether to get some talus and wheat to make the west coast IPA they provided. Definitely on the pricey side, but at $33/lb it’s a lot more palatable.

I looked at that recipe, but decided the main takeaway was the hop schedule.  I used my usual WCIPA grist but devised a hop schedule based on the survivables chart, the recipe, and the hops I had on hand.