Experimental Brewing 142 - It's Weiz to Sell Guyz


It’s been a tough few years for homebrewers and competitions - we’re talking with the Weiz Guyz Brewers out of Loveland, Colorado about their annual Sweetheart’s Revenge and what makes it unique as well as the outstanding Colorado Strong program!

I didn’t see a post on it, but Drew’s podcast with Sugar Creek (Brew Files 110) about Malted Corn was excellent.  I’ll definitely be using some of this in my next Cream Ale.  I wonder about percentages…would malted corn be a 1:1 sub with flaked?  And what’s the best way to compensate for the better efficiency?  Not necessarily looking for answers to these questions, but just something to chew on.  Great show.

Thanks for the love! - so far as Ryan and I have been trying the stuff out, we’ve just been going 1:1 - so for Jenny that’s like 21% corn.

I’m stoked to try and make an all corn malt grisette/saison because why wouldn’t I?

I brewed a cream ale with Sugar Creek Bloody Butcher malt on Oct 20, 2021. I used 2 pounds malted corn for a 5 gallon batch. I didn’t notice any difference in mash or brewhouse efficiency (was 68%). The beer was OG=1.048, FG=1.010. I also used Sugar Creek 2-row malt. Bittering hops were magnum with a 10 minute and flameout addition of Willamette. Mash step temp was 153F. This was the best cream ale I have ever made!

Awesome to hear this.  Did you notice any red color from the Bloody Butcher?

Maybe I wasn’t quite understanding the efficiency part of the discussion, but I thought the guy from Sugar Creek said something along the lines of Corn Malt will give more gravity points than flaked corn, pound for pound.

No color difference I think it would take a lot to get a red color? I think they did get higher efficiency than with flaked corn. Regardless it make a nice cream ale! I used their Amanda white corn with flaked corn and it was good to but I preferred the Red Corn.  I plan on using all Amanda Corn in a future brew. Have to do a side by side with the red and white corn. FYI - I used Lallemand BRY-97 yeast for the cream ale.

I’d have to go relisten, but I remember Caleb being specific about losing efficiency when doing 100% corn malt. Not recalling the flipped argument.

I haven’t done corn but I did use the malted black rice from Sugar Creek which is supposed to give a purplish tint. I used 20% malted black rice and 80% pilsner. I think under the right light if you really squinted you could see something. It might be different with corn, or you might need to use more, but I wouldn’t count on a dramatic color contribution.