First time ever! Denny and Drew and a thousand of their favorite friends are in the same room - the Expo hall at the 2016 American Homebrewer’s Association “HomebrewCon”. We sat down in the BrewcraftUSA booth and talked with a bunch of different folks including some of our sponsors and some of our very favorite people - including IGOR Nicki Forster who brought us a beer to taste, Marshall Schott who abused us with a triangle test and another listener, Keith Baker, who dropped a beer on Denny to make him crazy! This episode is jammed packed with questions, answers, and really interesting people so give it a listen! (Also this is your last chance to drop some money on the pooches before we get to our next charity!)
Also, a big thanks to listener Chris Nelson for our wonderful “Wrath of Conn” poster that you see on the site.
Interested in helping Denny and Drew with the IGOR program (aka help us run experiments!) - contact them at We want more Citizen Science!
In the meanwhile, subscribe via your favorite podcasting service (iTunes, etc). Like our podcast, review it - talk it up! If you have comments, feedbacks, harassments, etc, feel free to drop us a line at Follow us on Facebook (ExperimentalHomebrewing) or Twitter (@ExpBrewing). If you have questions you’d like answered in our Q&A segment, send an email to!
Don’t forget you can support the podcast on Patreon by going to Drew Beechum & Denny Conn | creating Podcast | Patreon
This episode can be downloaded directly at