
The future is here! All the excellent content you’ve enjoyed in Zymurgy magazine is now available in digital format, along with the hard copy you receive by mail.

The newest AHA member benefit, eZymurgy, allows you to search individual issues or all available issues. You can go directly to the story you want with the Contents feature. To make it even more fun, you can bookmark Favorites, add notes, and customize your audio and video effects! http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/pages/zymurgy/ezymurgy

Check out the November/December issue of eZymurgy and when you’re finished, go back and re-read every Zymurgy issue of 2011!

To access eZymurgy, log in to your AHA member account on www.HomebrewersAssociation.org and check out this new AHA benefit. http://bit.ly/AHALogIn


Thank you, the e version is much appreciated. I do need to mention that the bottom of the pages
are cut off for me in Firefox v7. Anyone else? And, will/are the eissues downloadable?

I am using Firefox 7.0.1 and it looks fine.

The issues are not currently downloadable, but we will be releasing apps for iPhone/iPod, iPad, and Android in 2012 that will allow for downloading to mobile devices.

I found that if I had resized the window, some of the screen did not re-populate.  Maximizing the window and then resizing again seemed to bring everything back.

That is really great. Really, really great.