iPad version of Zymurgy

When when when?  I have all my other mags on my iPad. We’re 3/4 of the way through 2012. When will I see my favorite mag in the iStore.

There’s already an e-edition you can d/l if you;re a member.  Other than that, I don’t know.  I’ll bring it up the next time there’s a web subcommittee meeting.

I know about he current online version. But, unless I’m missing something, you can’t download issues. I have to be online. It’s also very slow compared to other emags I read.

Yeah, I forgot you can’t d/l.  I believe that was a conscious decision to prevent piracy.  I agree, though, that it’s a PITA.  I’ll try to bring this up at a meeting and see what the plans for the future are.

Aren’t there solutions for that available in the publishing industry. Zymurgy shouldn’t be the only publication with this issue.


Yeah, there must be.  We might even have discussed it in the dim past.  I’ll bring it up again when I can.  Being an iPad addict, it would be great.

Yes, when when when?

Everyone uses mobile devices and are not necessarily connected all of the time. My nook is not capable of reading ‘online’

I love BYO and there app. AHA needs the same thing I can never get the ezymurgy copy to open on the iPad or iPhone

Hmmm…works fine on my iPad.  But I believe an app is in planning.

I have logged in to read it on my original Kindle Fire, but the experience isn’t as awesome as it could be, the smaller screen makes zooming around a necessity, and the pages don’t change easily (I think you need to zoom out and then change pages). +1 to be able to download issues to read on a plane or where internet access isn’t avaliable.

Also, it would be nice to have a catalog of full issues offered online to choose from.  Unless I missed it, you have to search for keywords like “January/February 2000” to get that issue to come up…I like to browse an issue at a time, not search for specific topics.

I especially have been enjoying the advertising in the old issues.  Note to advertisers of Zymurgy…I get kind of impressed to see your old ads and note you are still supporting the AHA.

Keep up the good work!  Someday, I hope that my membership comes with an option to recieve the electronic version or the paper one.  If the experience is good, I would forgo the mailed copy.

I think Brew Your Own is now offering electronic subscriptions, btw…although I haven’t tried them yet.

Click the icon in the upper left corner (hover and it says “Archive Issues”). This will show you the cover of every available issue.

You can contact AHA and have your paper subscription stopped (won’t save you money though).