I’ve done some lettuce and cabbage a few times. What else goes great in a fall garden? Carrots and radishes? Any spices that grow good in fall? Any tips?
Beets, spinach, parsnips (for late winter, spring harvest). I guess where you are Keith, the growing season is a bit longer than up here. Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, maybe even peas. Stuff that likes cool weather. You can start onions and garlic too.
+1 to everything here, plus I’d add kale, lettuce and broccoli. My fall garden is generally root veggies and leafy greens/brassicas. I don’t do fall peas, but I know a few people around here who only do them in the fall and swear that’s the only way to do it. You can probably get some green beans going as well.
I’ve had kale survive the winter too and keep producing in spring.
We got this book the other day:
So far it’s really interesting, I’d recommend reading it if you’re still in the planning stages for the fall/winter crops
I’ve had success with fresh herbs like dill, thyme, basil, parsley, cilantro, chives and even green onions.