I’ve been building boxes for my garden this year. I have 3 that are made from 2X12 sides and bottoms, 3 are 2 X12 bottom with 2 X10 sides. The have beets, spinach, radishes, green onions,and carrots planted already. I’ll do 3 more boxes for tomatoes, cukes/melons and squash. I also have garlic, shallots, asparagus, red potatoes, and russsets planted in the ground,
The weeds are so bad out here, especially the uncontrollable bermuda grass. I was either going to give up or go to containers of some sort to keep the grass out.
My Cascades are also up so I’ll be mixing hop shoots with asparagus next weekend I hope.
I just cleared the garden of some leftover debris from the 2011 garden yesterday.
I also planted most of my seeds in a greenhouse planter last weekend. Tomatoes, cucumbers, assorted varieties of peppers, watermelon, squash, zuchini, tomatillos, etc…
I planted two rhizhomes of Centennial hops in a large planter as well. I’ll eventually replant them outside when they get big enough.
for me it’s much cheaper and easier to buy chiles, but I may grow a few jalapenos for pico de gallo.
I figure we have one more freeze so I’m at least a couple of weeks from planting tomatoes. I just have the cold weather stuff planted now.
I just started hardening off my plants today. They’ll be in the cold frame next week and in the ground by the end of the month. Onions are already planted.
For annuals, we just have the garlic in (and coming up). I’ve got a couple of bhut jolokia in pots, and I think they’ll stay there. Everything else will need to wait, we’ll start some of it in early April - carrots, peppers, tomatoes at least, we’re still planning.
The rest is perennial stuff - kiwis, sour cherry, sweet cherry, apple, plum, pears, currant, blueberries, rhubarb, four kinds of grapes, fig, kumquat, aronia, strawberries, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, savory, oregano, mint, chives . . . I’m probably forgetting some stuff.
We’ve go lettuce that overwintered and the shallots, garlic and onions that went in last fall, but it’s been too cold and wet to get anything done this year. My wife is planning and starting seeds, though.
still picking the last of the winter brocolli. The mustard greens are all bolted, just waiting to be turned under. The artichokes I put in last fall are doing nicely, don’t see any buds yet but hopeful. I have hills built for the melons and cukes. There are two surviving pea vines getting a good start now.
built a hugelkultur (http://www.richsoil.com/hugelkultur/) for some blueberries that a friends gifted to me. got some rhubarb in the ground a couple weeks ago.
have all the seeds but havn’t finished getting the soil turned over and planted.
corn/beans/squash in the front yard (luckily most of the neighbors are wierdos as well)
greens, more beans, strawberry spinach… gosh can’t even remember everything right now. Also going to get some tomato and pepper starts from a friend.
I have a dozen assorted hop rhyzomes to go in as well, 1 sterling, a handful of cascade and a bunch of centennial (those things spread like anyones business)
i have some beds that are similar - wood on the bottom, a couple of layers of wood around the side, filled in with dirt. At this point they definitely seem to be sucking a lot of nitrogen, but we supplement with some organic N source.
re: blueberries in this kind of thing - I was told by a master gardener that the blueberries we planted around a ground out stump were getting too many nutrients from the decaying wood and that’s why they were poor at fruiting and why they sent up huge shoots. He hadn’t seen them though, so who knows if he was right. I followed his advice (added peat moss and did not fertilize) and got better fruit the next year, but it was an uncontrolled experiment so it may have been fine if I hadn’t changed what I was doing.
My coffee is loaded with blossoms. My citrus, mango, macadamia, and avacado are winding down from major blooms.
My bees have been working their wings off. Major nectar flows at this time of year. I live near tens of thousands of acres of macadamia orchards. The mac tree bloom is winding down, but the lehua bloom is nearing it’s peak. Once the lehua ends rhe albizias get to blooming…
Oh yeah, my son and I counted 47 pineapples in our pineapple patch today (he’s on spring break). Three or four will be ready in the next few days. The rest will come in between now and the end of August. The white pineapples (Kona Sugar Loaf) come in in July-August. They are ambrosia!
Euge, them poblanos still ain’t sprouting. Any tricks you can recommend? Should I just drop the whole packet’s worth and hope for the best? I’ve been doing a couple seeds at a time in a wet paper towel in a plastic bag but nothing doing…
If they haven’t sprouted in the wet paper towel, they may just be bad seeds. However, of all the seeds I plant, peppers are the slowest, with the exception of some herbs. I’d give them at least a week to 10 days.
I planted seeds about a month ago. I have already transplanted tomatoes to new containers and am working on the peppers. Going to be a good year for peppers!
Yeah, I’m guessing it’s just bad luck. Wife says up to 50% of seeds in a packet can be non-viable. I’ve found this site: http://www.tradewindsfruitstore.com and they ship to France, so I ordered a bunch of stuff, including some coffee tree seeds. I have a grow light (that I use for LEGAL purposes thankyouverymuchofficer) that should be able to help them out no problem.
Puna, if you’re reading this, PM me, I’ve got a q for you about certain chemical processes involving corn.
Just started my first set of seeds this past weekend (cabbage, broccoli, celery and trying kohlrabi for the first time this year). Garlic I planted in the fall is all starting to pop up now.
Going to rototill and lay out my beds this weekend (as long as the weather holds out). I’m bummed that the vetch and oats I planted this fall didn’t take where I was planning on expanding the garden, but I guess ill just till in some topsoil and compost and hope for the best.