My wife called me last night while I was attending my homebrewclub meeting. It was a call I had hoped not to receive. My 6 year old cat “BB” has passed on from some strain of feline leukemia. He was a great foot warmer and loved people. He will be missed.
sorry to hear that man, losing a pet is not easy, putting my 16 yr old dog down when i was back in high school was one of the worst days of my life, hang in there.
Oh man, that sucks!!! It never gets any easier it seems. Every day with our pets just adds to the grief when it happens. Take care & savor the memories!! I’ll hoist a pint in BB’s memory tonight. Cheers!!!
Bummer Ron, sorry to hear that. Maybe brew a RIS to honor the black cat? Or BB Baltic Porter?
That sucks, had to put a yound one down a couple years ago myself.
sorry Ron - I’ll raise my pint tonight for BB :(
I feel for you Ron. My condolences. I have a special place in my heart for black cats. Your picture of BB in the chimney is one of my all time favorites.
My condolences Ron, I’ll raise a pint of something black tonight.
I’m so sorry Ron. Often times, pets are better people than people are.
Sorry to hear - I’ll raise a pint for BB tonight. That pic of BB in the chiminea made me literally laugh out loud - though in real life I probably would have jumped out of my skin. Thanks for sharing.
Aww kitty…sorry to hear it, Ron. I dread the day my cat dies.
so true.
Sorry to hear that Ron. hang in there.
Awwe man. That sucks. He was a beautiful cat and I am sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear about the loss. It’s never easy to say goodbye.
Too bad pal.
Sorry to hear.
My thoughts are with you. I know how hard that is.
Those phone calls are very hard to take. That was one really black cat. If he was a people loving cat, it just makes it harder.
Sorry to hear this. This pint’s for your friend. The chimney pic is awesome and will warm your heart always.
I’ll be sure to raise a pint to you and your friend. Later tonight of course. Cherish the memories.