The Cat....

…we have is approaching 16 or 17 years old. He’s still in good spirits. Always indoor, and very social. Always in whatever room we are in. As he’s getting older he’s starting to get closer and closer to my wife… I dread the day he croaks, not for him, but I know my sweetie will be absolutely crushed. (She’s actually researching cloning him…it’s “only” 28 large… I have a problem.)

Anyway, when he thinks he hears her truck in the driveway he goes nuts…yelling and screaming in the foyer… (I suspect some siamese blood…) Now, I just got off the phone with sweetie at the other end of the house…but, I had her on speaker phone… and he is screaming at the top of his lungs in the foyer…

:o :o :o

I (and the sister cat) still look for her brother daily.

Yeah, I had one that was my best buddy.  When he passed I was crushed.  The best thing to do is wait a while, then get a new cat.  Not the same cat for sure, but they can become a good replacement.

I’ve had several bestest buddy cats in my life.  Each one was very close.  It always took a long time for the emptiness and sadness to tail down to a dull ache once they passed away.  Each time I swear I won’t go through it again…  and then a wise guy/gal kitten came along and stole my heart.  I often suspect it is the soul of an old friend in a new body;  God’s way of dealing with different life spans.

I know that they will be there to greet me when I pass over to the other side.  That makes me smile every time I think about it.

It’s been four years since Ernie passed on. We’re only just now thinking of getting a new kitty. It sure is tough. Enjoy the time with them while you can.

This is my wifes cat Smidget, never mind that a co-worker & me spent 18months trying to catch her with the boss threatening to fire us daily :smiley:

Smidget is at least 16yrs says the vet but most likely closer to 18 ,we’re now giving her shots of EPO - Erythropoietin due to a low red cell count.

The clock is ticking…  :cry:

There isn’t a week that goes by that I don’t think about “that day” for my pets. The best medicine is to appreciate the moment…enjoy each day with your pets, as we don’t know when that day will come.

Mrs. Reagan, my tabby, was a bit of a dog-cat…extremely sociable, large, very friendly, not easily scared.  She got diabetes…got a couple more years after that (ye gods insulin is expensive!!!) and then shuffled off this mortal coil.  Good cat!  Although I was happy she passed on when she did…my daughter was about a year old, or just under.  Imagining her dealing with that now, at 3, yikes!

We’re expecting a second kid so that takes priority of course, but maybe in a couple years we’ll get another cat…

I’m dreading the day my kitty cat dies, also.  His name is Roots (after the Sepultura album not the TV series with La Varr Burton), he’s about 9 years old.  Had him since he was 2; got him at the animal shelter.  I call him mowers, which sounds like mauers, because he meows a lot at times.  At 9, he’s still pretty active.  Runs around, jumps up on stuff, has a lot of energy.  So I hope he’s got another 8 years or so in him.

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We’ve got 2 14 year old cats who are thankfully in really good shape.  Another one about 4 and 2 new kitties in the 1-2 range.  At one point we had 6 that were all about the same age.  It was a tough year when we lost them all.

Had a cat once that live to 19. Ms. Tubercle works for a vet so pet maintence is free :smiley:

My two boston terriers get better health care than me. >:(

The Hair Ball

Damn, thas a fury kitty.  Probably pukes up hairballs and gets mats in the fur a lot, yeah?

Don’t listen 1v; she is beautiful!

I certainly agree, she is beautiful.  I wear mostly black clothes though, a cat like that would be a pain to deal with!  None more black!

Have you considered keeping aquariums?  :wink:

Cats that live in the trees… yes theres a story behind it

close up of Tabby, still trying to get a better pic showing her ear-tuffs.

Theres 1 more cat “Leo” but no pics yet, the reason the cats live in the trees is the 90lb Pitbull that has killed 9 kittens next door and another cat from our other neighbour. The little orange kitten in the 1st pic is the only survivor along with the mom-2nd pic.

We have been trying to trap the cats but the things won’t go into the trap,  I’ve already  repaired the entire fence( .78mile) hoping to keep the dog out. But thursday night dog ripped the barbed wire open and paid a visit and the cats dissappered till this moring, just as I mashed-in  I saw the orange guy run up the tree. 8)

So monday I’ll be replacing the entire fence and making a few phones calls re:dog,  this dog is mean and I’ve already shot him many times in the face with mace/pepper spray but he keeps coming back.

I think we all know what the next step is if the dog catcher doesn’t resolve this problem…

Learn and practice the mushroom hunters creed…

“feed all unknown varieties to your neighbor’s dog”

Acute lead poisoning?

Your dog? You have a dog?