Fermenter Leak

I think I have found a leak in my fermenter where air can escape. I notice that there is little pressure going to the bubbler, but not enough to cause it to bubble. I know I should have looked for something like this before hand but I am new to this and am just starting out. I was curious if I should worry at all, pressure is able to escape but there might be some small pocket where air can get back in. Or if I should go ahead and transfer it to my glass carboy in order to save this batch, and if that would have any affects on it. I started this Tuesday (two days ago) and don’t know if its too late to move or not. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!

You don’t need to worry while fermentation is active as enough gas is coming out to keep air from going in. The only real concern is when fermentation pretty much over, but even then not a big deal

Okay, I didn’t think it was too much of a big concern. I’ll just keep an eye on it, thank you very much!