Fermenter Sans Bubbling

I have brewed many batches without any problem in primary fermenting. My last 3 batches now, there has been no bubbling in the air lock, but fermentation in taking place and the beer turns out fine. There has to be a leak somewhere in the primary fermenter doesn’t there? I have checked the seal around it, and it seems to seal fine. I would think the CO2 would take the path of least resistance through the air lock. Maybe it’s time for a new lid? Although it doesn’t seem to effect the beer, I still miss the warm fuzzy feeling of seeing the bubbles come through the air lock. Any thoughts?

If you are fermenting in a bucket then you have a leak in the seal. Not really anything to worry about.

I have found that I need remove the sealing ring then reinsert it in the lid and use a mallet to get a good seal on the bucket.

If I just pound it with my hand it often leaks even with minimal liquid in the air lock.

Either way I just assume the yeast is doing its job. I do like to hear that glurp glurp sound just to let me know all is well.

I just don’t care anymore. if I can’t find an airlock on brew day I slap a piece of sanitized foil over the hole and call it good. i can generally smell that the fermentation is moving along nicely anyway.

+1 - I have a couple of lids that I never got around to installing grommets on. I just lay them over the top without sealing and call it a day.

I look forward to the day I’m so confident as you guys.  I’m still too new and feel comfort watching the airlock bubble away.

A nice spritz of star-stan around the rim of the bucket might let you see where the leak is.  It really doesn’t matter, as others have pointed out, but understanding what’s going on should ease your mind and let you learn to relax.

I sometimes get fruit flies around the area where I ferment so I have to make sure I have a good seal on all my fermentors. I have one bucket that I regularly use that went through a phase where the airlock would never bubble but the beer was fermenting. People are right about the seal in the bucket lid getting unseated and losing the seal. I used something dull to push the seal back up against the top of the lid all the way around. It’s been a couple years since that happened and I haven’t had a problem since. If you do the same with your bucket lid I am 99% sure it will fix your problem. The only 1% says it may be the grommet at the airlock has been pushed or pulled out of place by inserting or removing the airlock so take a look at that as well.