Fermentis SafeAle WB-06

I picked up a couple sachets of Fermentis SafeAle WB-06 Wheat Beer yeast at Homebrew Con this year and am going to use it in my Dunkles Weissbier the next time I make it.  When I originally brewed the beer I used Wyeast 3333 and got a comment from a National ranked beer judge (and close friend) that it did not have enough banana ester notes in the beer for the style.  Several years ago we brewed this beer at the Bugnutty Brewery in FL, where I occasionally give them a brewing hand during the winter months, with 3333 and I noticed the same thing after remembering to look more closely for the ester in this  beer.

This year, we brewed it again at Bugnutty with WB-06 (which they suggested) and I liked the banana notes a lot better in the beer, which is why I picked some up at the conference.  I am not dissing 3333, but I liked the flavors from WB-06 a bit better in this style.  Plus, I can just pitch the sachet rather than making a starter, eliminating another tedious step.  Just wondering if anyone else on the forum has used this yeast and what their impressions of it are?

WB-06 did not make me happy.  And it’s Belgian in origin, not German.  Not that it matters… if you like it, then use it!

what dave said, ive always been tempted to try it but it is STA1+ and id rather just get a different belgian yeast that isnt.

its supposed to be related to WLP570.

i got the expected weisse beer notes from using munich classic as a dry yeast.