Just picked about 2# of fresh ripe figs off my neighbor’s tree. There’s hundreds more that’ll be ripe in a few days…
Anyway, I plan to slice them length-ways and put them in the dehydrator.
Anyone ever brew with figs? Any ideas, experiences?
Just picked about 2# of fresh ripe figs off my neighbor’s tree. There’s hundreds more that’ll be ripe in a few days…
Anyway, I plan to slice them length-ways and put them in the dehydrator.
Anyone ever brew with figs? Any ideas, experiences?
I think you could do the same thing with them a friend did with raisins. He made a BDSA. At the end of primary, he superheated a wok over his propane burner and caramelized the raisins in it. Then he deglazed with some beer from the primary and put it all into a secondary. One of the best Belgian beers I’ve ever had.
I can’t remember the brewery in Belgium, but a similiar beer in the farmhouse ale book talks about a “super saison” using raisins, figs and some spices deglazed with port and added to the secondary.
I brewed a Fig Porter last year; came out great and aged well. It was a basic porter recipe, I added about 1.5 lbs of dried figs to secondary. It was in secondary for 3 weeks.
I recently had a beer with Mission figs; it was amazing.
But it also had fennel, pink peppercorns, and chia :o
It was called El Camino (Un) Real Black Ale
a Cali collaboration of Stone, Firestone Walker, and 21st Amend.
Give it a try if you can.
The “Rejewvenator” by HE’BREW (Schmaltz) Brewing Company was brewed with grapes this year, but in years past its been brewed with figs.
Its a doppelbock/dubbel blend, so I bet figs would go great with either.