Final beer PH?

I have been measuring my PH at several points in my brewing process and wonder if anyone has a preference on their final beer PH of APAs and IPAs. My most recent one is 4.82 and finished at 1.010.

4.8. is on the high side. Most beers are said to be in the 4 to 4.6 range. An IPA or APA would do well lower in the range.

Good to know. I have been using PH strips and have recently received a my PH meter ( Milwaukee 101) and it has made a big difference. I was on the high side with the strips and this last IPA.

A glass of beer, some phosphoric acid, and your pH meter would let you taste what your beer is like at a lower pH. ThenA-B with the unadjusted beer.

Hmmm… May be I should get a pH meter.

When you say finished beer–carbonated or uncarbonated?

Uncarbonated. I recently did a Rye mild out of Zymurgy “Brewing on the ones” by Drew Beechum Nov/Dec 2012 and my mash PH was 5.38. Sparge water was 5.15 PH, Pre boil was 5.45PH and post was 5.13 PH. I was told this is a little low but we will see how it taste after the yeast gets done. Used West Yorkshire 1469. I am going off a beer style PH chart a came across. English ales 4 to 4.2 PH they say.

Just took the readings of my two on tap.  These were taken on carbonated beer.

Double IPA: 4.6
Belgian Blonde (pils recipe/3787 yeast): 4.2