Thanks for those references and yes it was from weyermann. Took a picture with my phone some time back and couldnt remember where i got it from:)
I have much to lean about finished beer PH and do consider it to matter. Me and a buddy have been collecting “data” over the past year on Mash PH, Pre boil PH, Post Boil PH and finish beer PH as related to yeast strains. We both had a discussion this past week and wonder if we are wasting our time on this. I guess if anything it has made me more aware of beer flavors and desires of my finial product that “I” want.
Dont know if this helps anyone or i suppose it’s an FYI but here are some PHs of some styles i have brewed recently.
Robust Porter: Post boil PH 5.52, finished beer PH 4.14. OG: 1.058 FG:1.014. Wyeast 1968
Mineral ranges: Ca-99, Mg-12,NA-19,Sulfate-50, Chloride-88, Alkalinity 113, RA:34
English Brown: Post boil PH 5.60, finished beer PH 4.13. OG:1.050, FG:1.012. Wyeast 1469
Mineral ranges: Ca-100, Mg-15, Na-20, Sulfate-47, Chloride-88, Alkalinity- 125, RA:45
Vienna lager: Post boil PH 5.6, finished beer PH 4.56. OG 1.051, FG 1.013. saflager 34/70
mineral ranges: Ca-84, Mg-12, Na- 16, Sulfate-50, Chloride-69, Alkalinity-117, RA:50
Witbier: Post boil PH 5.75, finished beer PH 4.23. OG1.050, FG 1.010. Wyeast 3944.
Mineral ranges: Ca-51, Mg-5, Na-13, Sulfate-39, Chloride-46, Alkalinity-19, RA: -20