First repeat recipe almost on mark

So I finally settled down after nearly 2 years of brewing and did a repeat of one of my recipes (Locke’s Liberty Stout).  I changed up a couple of things such as the hops but for the most part it was pretty close to the original.  THe first OG was 1.064 and this one was 1.074.  Not spot on but I am happy with the attempt to try and repeat it.  IT will either come out sweeter or stronger but I am not overly worried about it at this point as it was a good beer the first time around.  Right now, it is bubbling away so it would appear to be good to go.

Way to go, man.  IMO, repeatability is a key to being a great brewer.

I’ve never brewed exactly the same recipe twice. If it ain’t broke, keep tinkering until it is!

I’ve broken a few. :wink:

Usually it’s what is on hand and more spontaneous. I don;t plan them out for the whole year- though that isn;t a bad idea!

Since I’m both a) insane and b) I love Excel, I’ve considered doing that. My problem is I get really excited about brewing something, then when it’s time to brew it, there’s something else I’m way more into. For instance, I bought a bunch of smoked malt for a rauchbier, but then I decided to buy a bunch of different NZ hops, so the rauchbier is on the back-burner for a while I work through those.

+1 Totally agree! Congratulations! I have spent the majority of this year improving my processes and have finally gotten 2 of my recipes to exactly where I want them and have duplicated each one 3 times exactly this year! It’s very satisfying to know I can pull ingredients, brew the batch and have the exact beer I want year round now.

I actually did this this year. I decided I was going to brew to the AHA Club Only Competition schedule for the 2012-2013 year. So far I am doing pretty well. I think the trick is to leave some space. THe CoC is only 6 times a year so I can fit in a few spur of the moment brews here and there when I get the itch.