Nice Article, Marshall

Just read your article “A Brewer’s Thumbprint” in the new BYO - nice work !  Just goes to show the silliness of hoarding prized recipes. I’ve tried the same with brewer friends making identical recipes. No two beers are ever identical. Too many variables.

Haven’t got my copy yet, but will definitely check out this article first off.
I agree about hoarding recipes. I think that a competent experienced brewer can get in the ballpark of most recipes without having all the minute details.

When Drew and I were putting together Homebrew All Stars, we asked each of the 25 homebrewers for 2 recipes.  Some of them sent us as many as 4!  They goes to show that the best homebrewers have no problem sharing.  They know it’s the brewer that makes the beer, and they realize it’s for the good of the hobby!

+1.  Sharing recipes is a great way to get newer brewers “up to speed” and give them a fighting chance at brewing a good beer.  I always enjoy tasting a recipe of mine that someone else has brewed simply b/c of their “house character” and process imparting different perceptions in the finished product.

Yes, congrats to Marshall and I agree on the generosity of homebrewers helping with questions and sharing recipes.  I have never found a homebrewer that is unwilling to give a recipe when requested.