I have a pale ale going and it’s starting gravity was 1052 and it’s been rippin for a week still Krausen on it the tilt reads 1008, I assume it’s cause I didn’t mash out and kept converting while sparge and heat up to boil anyway it’s getting kegged so is there any tricks I can do to bump up the grav a bit? Just sugar and keep cold to prevent refermenting? Or just chalk it up to don’t forget to mash out? Cheers
I would leave it alone. 1.008 is a fine FG for an APA. Your Tilt may be different, but mine always reads .002 low anyway.
My tilt is about 5 points off on FG.
I concur with @narcout.
I don’t trust my Tilt for exact FGs, but I wouldn’t worry about a 1.008 FG on a pale ale anyway. Let it ride this time and mash a little hotter next time.
I don’t have a tilt so I can’t speak to the accuracy issues but I wouldn’t be worried about 1008 for a pale ale at all. If you have a lot of crystal malt in it like an old school pale ale, it’s a little low. Otherwise, sounds good. The NHC pale ale gold recipe from last year posted a 1009 FG so you’re in good company.
Yeah hopefully the tilt in inaccurate for FG cause the thing is now 1007 and doesn’t seem done
Agreed that 1.008 is not an issue. If you tasted the beer and found it to be too dry, here’s a thought … boiling some water and let it begin cooling. Add a gram of CaCl to the water, mix it in and add it to the keg. CaCl brings a rounded, full smoothness to the beer and I have back-chlorided and back-sulfated a couple of times. I don’t LIKE to do it but it’s nice to know you could if it was needed.
Agree that 1.008 is not too low for a pale ale. Also, make sure you are reading your hydrometer corrrectly and that it is calibrated. And just because krausen is ontop of the beer doesn’t mean it is still fermenting. Adding sugar to back sweeten is a terrible idea IMO. The yeast will still ferment the sugar even cold, though slower. Just let it ride out and mash warmer next time if you think it is too dry (but I bet you won;t think it is)
Thanks y’all it’s 1006 now I’m gonna let it ride do better next time cheers
Also be sure to correct for temperature. And it should be degassed, but that makes relatively little difference.
I’ve seen hydrometers read much higher on beer that was carbbed – like 4-5 SG points. Just depends hoiw much Co2 is in solution (like when spunding). But they usually read higher, not lower.
Well just an update in case someone has similar issue, the tilt was in fact off once I kegged it took a sample with my regular hydrometer the FG was 1.010 must have been the krausen/yeast stuck to the tilt that threw it off and added bonus tastes like bells two hearted ale success cheers