I am working on an entirely new recipe for an American Brown Ale. The BJCP guidelines mention light to moderate citrusy hop character. I want the beer to be balanced in favor of maltiness, but I do want some of that citrusy hop showing through.
So, in a five gallon batch, which hop and how much of it would you recommend for a late addition and dry-hopping?
I like Northern Brewer with Cascade. The woodiness of the the NB is a very nice compliment to the muted roastiness of a brown. The Cascade lets you know its American. This is the Pete’s Wicked Brown approach
+1 to NB and Cascade. I have a Mike (Tasty) McDole - type American Brown on tap now finished with those hops (1.069ish). And per his approach I dry hopped it with Centennial. It’s a really good beer. Best fall beer I’ve made in awhile.
Sounds like a winner ! I love the recipe as is (though I cut back on carapils) but it’s a great base to experiment with. I used Centennial dry this time, and IIRC Steve in Tx just used Mosaic and something else dry in his. Good stuff.